NPM Version

An Open-Source Pure CSS Framework

Responsive Web Development Made Easy.
Built on Flexbox, Comprehensive, and Modular.
Developed with LESS or SASS. No JavaScript Required.

Why formir

Doesn't Require JS for Full Functionality

Formir allows you to create user interfaces without the need for JavaScript. This means you can design dynamic pages and applications, saving time and resources.

Customizable Class Names

Formir enables full customization of class names, making it easy to tailor styles to your needs and projects.

Easy to Modify

The Formir framework is easy to modify, allowing you to customize it for your projects without unnecessary hassle.

Clean and Smart HTML Code

Formir generates clean and intelligible HTML code, making it easy to understand the page structure and modify it.

Object-Oriented CSS

Formir follows an object-oriented CSS approach, helping maintain consistency in projects and avoiding style conflicts.

Clean Files and Mixing Structure

With clean files and a mixing structure, Formir helps maintain order in projects and manage styles efficiently.

Mixing and Ready-to-Use Helper Classes

The Formir framework offers a plethora of mixing classes and ready-to-use helper classes that can be immediately employed in projects.

Ready for JavaScript Frameworks and React

Formir is compatible with popular JavaScript frameworks and React, allowing easy integration with existing projects.

Full Responsive Design (RWD) Support

Formir is fully tailored for responsive design, ensuring your pages and applications look great on various devices.

Integrated Sidebar

Formir includes a prebuilt solution for sidebars, making it easier to create pages with such functionality.

Modular Structure

Formir is based on a modular structure, simplifying project management and development in an organized manner.

What we have


npm install formir

Add import "formir" for SASS or import "formir/less" for LESS to your application bundle.

Read more installation guide

Get formir

Grid system


Configure Your Column Layout and Adjust Spacing Between Rows and Columns.


warning message
error message


Simple select


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